Community Engagement and Volunteering

Community Engagement Experiences

Students beginning Fall 2018 or later must complete the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) Module to earn an Honors Experience for their community involvement work. A list of CCEL info sessions is available here (look under CCEL Module One).

Community Engagement Resources

Volunteering with UHSA: The University Honors Student Association provides UHP students with frequent volunteer opportunities. Participating in these events is a simple and meaningful way for you to start getting involved in the community. Read the UHP Weekly News for notification of upcoming events.

Service-Learning at the U of M: The Center for Community-Engaged Learning offers courses that combine volunteering in the community with a structured learning environment. Credit-bearing service-learning courses will automatically count as a Non-Course Honors Experience, but still require the submission of a mentor-supervised experience form via the Honors Reporting Center.

Volunteering in the Community: The Center for Community-Engaged Learning offers resources and advising to help you find a volunteer organization that fits your interests. Qualifying volunteer experiences will allow you to donate free time, services, and skills to help the community (campus, neighborhood, town, country, or global) on an unpaid, frequent, and ongoing basis. Faith-based or politically-motivated opportunities are potential options as long as volunteer time is not spent recruiting. A minimum of 45 hours per semester is required.

Community Engagement Scholars Program: Recognizes students for substantially integrating community engagement into their undergraduate education.