Supports one year of service at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington D.C. Junior Fellows provide research assistance to senior associates on international policy issues, participate in meetings with high-level officials, contribute to congressional testimony, and organize briefings attended by scholars, activists, journalists and government officials. Applicants must be SENIORS or have GRADUATED within the past year; must not have begun graduate study. Must have strong academic records with substantial coursework in such areas as international affairs, political science, economics, or history. May be U.S. citizen or foreign national eligible to work in the U.S. for the award period. 10-12 awards nationwide. The U may endorse up to two candidates.
This scholarship requires a nomination from the University of Minnesota in order to apply at the national or international level. The Office for National and International Scholarships organizes the nomination process, consults with all interested students on assembling competitive applications, works with nominees to prepare for all stages of national competition, and publicizes results.