It’s often not what you know, but who you know that matters. We know that networking is important, but it can often seem superficial or awkward – even scary. Transformative Conversations NEXUS provides the support and structure to begin having conversations with the people who have the wisdom to guide your future career. Students in this experience will learn and practice how to have meaningful conversations with people who are making a real difference in their fields. They will learn how professional leaders launched their careers and hear about issues that are truly important to them. Students will complete this experience having had substantial conversations with professionals who can provide guidance for today, and help them in the future. Whether you know exactly what you want to do and who you need to talk to, or if you’re trying to explore multiple paths and don’t know where to start, this NEXUS can be a valuable experience to help move you to action and clarify your goals and values.
Meeting Dates (Select Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm):
- Jan 29
- Feb 5
- Feb 19
- Mar 19 (Week after Spring Break)
- April 2