Agricultural Education

Major Requirements for Students Pursuing Latin Honors

Common Honors Courses in Major

WRIT 3562V - Honors Technical and Professional Writing 
BIOL 1009H - Honors General Biology
CHEM 1071H - Honors Chemistry I (taken with CHEM 1065 lab) PSY 1001H - Honors Introduction to Psychology

Required Thesis Course

CFAN 3091V, intended for Fall of Junior Year (beginning Fall 2023)

Capstone Considerations


Thesis Requirements

Students pursuing a summa level thesis will be expected to produce a paper that comprises original, publishable-level work for a journal in the field of agricultural education or agricultural communication and must also make a public presentation of the findings from the thesis.

Plan C Thesis Options


Honors Faculty Representative Info

Faculty Rep
Garrett Steede
249B Ruttan
Campus Phone
(612) 625-6639