
Major Requirements for Students Pursuing Latin Honors

Common Honors Courses in Major

ARTS 1001H - Honors Introduction to Contemporary Art and Theory
ARCH 3711V - Honors Environmental Design and the Sociocultural Context
JOUR 4721H - Mass Media and U.S. Society 
SOC 3412H - Honors Social Networking: Theories and Methods


Required Thesis Course

ARTS 5404H (BA)
ARTS 5407H (BFA)

Capstone Considerations

In addition to writing an Honors thesis, Honors students complete a senior exhibition and take both capstone courses like all other majors.

Thesis Requirements

A thesis committee is required for all Honors students:

  • three people on committee (only *one tenure track faculty required)
  • faculty from other institutions and other departments are welcome
  • graduate students or other people from community with expertise

Three Pathways to Honors:


  1. Plan A: Students produce a written component that complements the their artwork (research essay; expanded artist statement; manifesto)
  2. Plan B: Students complete an interdisciplinary or co-authored work within the discipline, for instance a creative project. Students are required to submit a proposal one year before graduation. UHP and all departments involved need to approve. The project has to be complete-able in one year.
  3. Plan C: Students complete a solo project that is not written paper. This project could be curatorial or a solo exhibition. Students would have to secure space, work with a gallery director or curator, write an artist or curator’s statement, and send out press release.

The Honors thesis will differ from the requirements for non-Honors capstone projects depending on which type of project a student chooses to pursue.


If an Honors student chooses Plan A, which involves a written component, the work exhibited in the final exhibition would be accompanied by an essay that might explore the relevant research for the project or take the form of an expanded artist statement. Non-Honors capstone projects do not involve such a written component.


If an Honors student chooses Plan B, an interdisciplinary or co-authored work within the discipline, or a collaborative creative project, the student has to submit a project idea a year before graduation. UHP and all departments involved need to approve the project that must be complete-able in one year. The development, duration, involvement, and commitment such a project would require exceed what non-Honors capstone courses expect.


If an Honors student chooses to pursue Plan C, a solo project, not written paper, the planning and execution of such a project would again go beyond the scope of a non-Honors capstone requirement in terms of commitment, duration, and development. While such a project is not tied to the same timeline as Plan B, the Honors student would have to organize and promote a solo exhibition or participatory project, find space in the community, and work with a gallery director or curator. Such a project would likely have an off-campus component and clearly would go above and beyond what non-Honors students are expected to accomplish in their capstone requirements.


To graduate summa cum laude with a Plan C project, the student will give an artist or curator's talk open to the public.


Deadlines match those shown on the Important Dates and Deadlines page. 


For Plan A and Plan C, students should submit a proposal to the Honors Program one semester prior to their planned graduation.

For Plan B,  the collaborative option, students should submit their proposal one year ahead of time.


To complete your Honors thesis, register for the appropriate Honors section of the BA or BFA Capstone course shown above.

Plan C Thesis Options

See Thesis Requirements.

Honors Faculty Representative Info

Faculty Rep
Christina Schmid
E201 Regis Center
Campus Phone
(612) 625-8096