Major Requirements for Students Pursuing Latin Honors
BIOL 1009H - Honors General Biology
COMM 1101H - Honors Introduction to Public Speaking
MATH 1571H - Honors Calculus I
CHEM 1071H - Honors Chemistry I (taken with CHEM 1065 lab)
CHEM 1072H - Honors Chemistry II (taken with CHEM 1066 lab)
WRIT 3562V - Honors Technical and Professional Writing
CFAN 3091V, intended for Fall of Junior Year (beginning Fall 2023)
Summa cum laude candidates must offer a public presentation of their thesis results; that presentation may be to the department as a whole, to the public, to the Fisheries and Wildlife club, or as part of a seminar series organized by the department.
If any committee members aren’t faculty within the University of Minnesota, they must be approved by the Honors Faculty Representative Your committee members alone will be the ones to approve your thesis and inform the Honors Faculty Representative that you have completed all requirements.
The Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology department put together this helpful information page to learn more about being an Honors FWCB student!