French Studies

Major Requirements for Students Pursuing Latin Honors

Common Honors Courses in Major

Many honors students choose to fulfill honors course requirements through their liberal education requirements or taking graduate level courses

Required Thesis Course

FREN 4101V or HCOL

Capstone Considerations

In a traditional capstone project, students complete a 15-page research paper, which is normally based on a topic that was studied in another course prior to the semester of the capstone's completion. Students work with a professor who is a specialist in the subject area of interest, and expand on a shorter paper or project that was completed in another course. Note that students who are double-majors in CLA may request a waiver of the senior/capstone project if they are completing a project in a different CLA major. Honors-thesis projects differ in scope and length compared to a non-Honors capstone project. In a traditional Honors thesis, papers will be longer and therefore will necessarily involve greater depth in exploring the topic.

Thesis Requirements

Theses at the cum laude level will be 20-30 pages; magna is 25-35 pages. Summa theses require a paper of 30-to-40 pages in length and an oral defense of the thesis with the full committee.

Plan C Thesis Options


Attached Documents

Honors Faculty Representative Info

Faculty Rep
Trina Whitaker
314E Folwell
Campus Phone
(612) 624-1590