Health and Wellbeing Sciences

Major Requirements for Students Pursuing Latin Honors

Common Honors Courses in Major

PSY 1001H, ANTH 1003V, FSOS 1101H, PSY 3801H, STAT 3021H. Other options available within the Focus Areas

Required Thesis Course

HCOL 3101H or HCOL 3102H

Capstone Considerations

There are no capstone requirements for this major.

Thesis Requirements

The summa thesis is akin to a Plan B Master's paper, requiring a substantial written component that goes beyond a magna or cum laude thesis in both breadth and depth, and also requires a public presentation of the paper's contents to the scholarly community.

Plan C Thesis Options


Honors Faculty Representative Info

Faculty Rep
Michelle Koker
Room 20 Ruttan Hall
Campus Phone
(612) 624-2941